A Printable Easter Card is Better Than Buying One

Easter is suppose to be about spending time with those you love like your kids and partner. A great way to bring everyone together this year and working together is to devise an Easter crafts project like designing your very own printable Easter card for close friends and family.

The Learning Curve for Designing Your Printable Cards

Your kids may be more used to arts and crafts involving paper, glue, and colored pencil crayons. Whilst these are still great materials to create inspire more hands on creativity, you should start to think about introducing your little ones to the technological era of the computer - if you haven't already.

Kids always take better and learn quicker to technology than adults so don't be afraid that they wont know how to use a PC, as chances are, they will be better than you after a few tries and instruction from you. There are many different software titles that can be bought for a nominal fee to help create your printable Easter card that have lots of images for your kids to choose from and templates they can start from.

Once you choose the software you want to use, you may want to get a head start on your kids and spend an evening getting used to the software. You will avoid much frustration on their part if you know the software before hand so that you can help them when they're stuck and guide them in the right direction.

You may be tempted to go for the free option and use a free bit of software to create your printable Easter card on. I would advise against most of these however, as many trick you by letting you create a beautiful card online, then when you try to print it, they will ask for your credit card. Another trick the free ones like to use, is they plant their logo and website address right on the front of your card in the top corner. You want your printable Easter card to have a beautiful Easter nativity scene on it, not a billboard for some start-up website.

What Should I be Prepared to Pay for my Printable Easter Cards Online?

This really is one of those, "how long is a piece of string" questions. You should be prepared to spend about $15 - £30 for your printable Easter card software that will allow you to create your cards and print them off with no hassle or company branding. But the real cost will be when you want to print them out. Depending on the printer you own, will dictate how much your ink cartridges are. But most colour ink cartridges are $50 - $100 for a full set, so this is where you will spend most of your money. Specialized paper will also have to be bought to give your printable Easter card a robust, quality feel. But how great will a personalized Easter card go down with your kid's Granny...she'll love it.

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